This support site is intended for Acer based Gateway products, made between years 2008 and 2019. Gateway brand is now licensed to a company called Bmorn Technology, which sells low end / budget laptops and tablets through Walmart. These products are a rebadged EVOO brand.
If you are looking for support for these 2020 and newer products, please visit Gateway USA or EVOO Products
New Gateway models include:
- GWTN156-1
- GWTN156-2
- GWTN156-3
- GWTN156-4
- GWTN156-5
- GWTN156-7
- GWTN156-9
- GWTN156-11
- GWTN141-1
- GWTN141-2
- GWTN141-3
- GWTN141-4
- GWTN141-5
- GWTN141-6
- GWTN141-10
- GWTN133-1
- GWTN116-1
- GWTN116-3
- GWTC71427
- GWTC51427
- GWTC1163
- GWTC116-1
- GWTC116-2
- GWTC116-3
- GWNR71517
- GWNR51416
- GWNR715-17
- GWNC31514
- GWNC21524
- GWNC315-14
- GWCC71416
- GWCC51416
- GWCC714-16
- GWCC514-16
- GWAT10-1
- GWAT8-1
- GWAP42424
- GGNC71719
- GGNC51518
- GGNC-51518
- GGNC-71719
- GCNP41524
EVOO models include:
- EG-LP10
- EG-LP9
- EG-LP8
- EG-LP7
- EV-C-116-6
- EVC-141-6
- EVC-141-12
- EVC-156-1
- EV-C-156-2
- TEV-CE-141-2
- TEV-C-116-1
- EV-C-101-1
- EV-C-116-5
- TEV-EL-2IN1-133-2
- TEV-EL-2IN1-116-2
- 2EV-AIO-185-1
- EV-T2in1-116-2
- EV-T2in1-101-2
- EV-A-81-7-3
- EV-A-81-8-2
- EV-A-101-3
- EV-A-101-3(KB)
- EV-A-116-1
- EV-A-116-1(KB)
- EV-A-133-1
- EV-A-156-1
- EV-T-T
- EV-m4g3
- EV-m4g6
- EV-mfv2